Category: Tech
Sky Q Missing Thumbnails
22nd March Edit: Version 4 of the EPG rolled out today to all users. This changes the way the data is loaded from UDP to TCP, and should fix this bug. There’s a common ‘bug’ with Sky Q that results in people seeing empty blue squares where the thumbnails should be. I’ve tried to help…
Sky Q UPnP, REST and WebSocket API interfaces
It’s been a few years since we got into digging around Sky+HD’s UPnP control protocol, but having recently updated to Sky Q, there are a few changes that break the way we were talking to the box. Backwards Compatibility The Sky Q box contains pretty much the same UPnP advertised control system as Sky+HD, and…
MAMP Pro on Yosemite Beta 5
Update: The developers of MAMP recommend the following workaround: Workaround for the 10.10 Preview 5 bug: Rename the file “envvars” located in </Applications/MAMP/Library/bin> into “_envvars” If you’re running MAMP Pro 3 and you installed Yosemite preview 5, you’ve probably noticed Apache won’t start anymore, with the following error: dyld: Symbol not found: _iconv Referenced from:…
MAMP Pro under OS X Mavericks
If you’re a developer and you got access to use Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks earlier this week, you’ll notice that it’s actually mostly a hassle free experience, apart from changes to the code signing and authorisation model that mean non-signed applications can no longer elevate permissions to root level. Now, this shouldn’t matter to…
The Sky+HD Picasso DNLA control server protocol
Tonight, I released my first ever open source code that wasn’t a wordpress plugin, SkyRemote. It’s a python based IP remote control for Sky+HD boxes with the new Picasso EPG. This is currently the DRX980 and the DRX985 boxes. It’s free as in beer, and licensed under the GPLv3. It’s based on a piece of…