Tonight, I released my first ever open source code that wasn’t a wordpress plugin, SkyRemote. It’s a python based IP remote control for Sky+HD boxes with the new Picasso EPG. This is currently the DRX980 and the DRX985 boxes.
It’s free as in beer, and licensed under the GPLv3. It’s based on a piece of software called “Miranda” which lets you browse UPnP endpoints.
Full information is on github but I wanted to document the DNLA endpoints available for people to find. That documentation is after the break
So, there are 5 endpoints. 3 exposed by the description0.xml file, 2 by the description2.xml file. SkyRemote only supports any of the first 3 endpoints, because the other 2 are seriously complicated, and I have no idea what format and type the arguments should be.
The full endpoint definitions, and the associated service actions, are available on pastebin:
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