Category: WordPress
Creating a portable Slider Block with ACF
Update 14th June 2023: As part of my demo of ACF Blocks at WordCamp Europe, this code was updated and modernised further and is available on GitHub: ACF’s upcoming 6.0 release brings support for block.json blocks, which means it’s now possible to build standalone, reusable ACF Blocks which contain all the fields, scripts, styles…
Creating portable ACF Blocks
For the last couple of months in my day job, I’ve been working some significant changes to Advanced Custom Fields block editor integration system, ACF Blocks. ACF Blocks was first introduced to support WordPress 5.0’s initial implementation of the block editor back in ACF PRO 5.8, and as you can imagine that looked and worked…
Using UnCSS and grunt-uncss with WordPress
Following on from my last blog post about modernising WordPress development with grunt, we’ve been using the process for a few months at Storm and have been slowly making it better. This week, while working on pretty heavy project, we noticed that our compiled single CSS file was a huge 6,500 lines and ~180kb. This…
Modernising WordPress theme development
Last October, I spent two days at #fowa in London. One of the most common themes that came out of it was how far automation tools have come in the last few years. Where I work at Storm, we have two groups of devs, I’m lucky enough to lead the WordPress and PHP team while upstairs…