Category: Broadcasting
How to watch (and where to find) the World Cup in 4k UHD on BBC iPlayer in the UK
The BBC is running the UK’s first live 4K UHD HDR broadcast trial for the Russian 2018 World Cup. It’s broadcast via the BBC iPlayer app directly on compatible smart TVs, The BBC do have a list of compatible TVs, but this isn’t a complete list. Due to constraints in live encoding of UHD material,…
Sky Q Formula One UHD Failed Recordings
This morning was the first live qualifying of Formula One available in Ultra HD on Sky Q, and it’s looking like it’s caused issues for lots of people. There are reports on Twitter and Sky’s forums of numerous issues – “Part Recorded” or “Failed” for Qualifying this morning. Other people report green screens, artefacts and blocky…
Sky Q Missing Thumbnails
22nd March Edit: Version 4 of the EPG rolled out today to all users. This changes the way the data is loaded from UDP to TCP, and should fix this bug. There’s a common ‘bug’ with Sky Q that results in people seeing empty blue squares where the thumbnails should be. I’ve tried to help…
Sky Q UPnP, REST and WebSocket API interfaces
It’s been a few years since we got into digging around Sky+HD’s UPnP control protocol, but having recently updated to Sky Q, there are a few changes that break the way we were talking to the box. Backwards Compatibility The Sky Q box contains pretty much the same UPnP advertised control system as Sky+HD, and…
The Sky+HD Picasso DNLA control server protocol
Tonight, I released my first ever open source code that wasn’t a wordpress plugin, SkyRemote. It’s a python based IP remote control for Sky+HD boxes with the new Picasso EPG. This is currently the DRX980 and the DRX985 boxes. It’s free as in beer, and licensed under the GPLv3. It’s based on a piece of…