Gingerbread Inception



I’m a genius. No, really. This morning I invented possibly the best breakfast in the world, and it’s all thanks to Jimmy’s Iced Coffee: Gingerbread Inception.

And it’s simple! All you need is a carton of the delicious Jimmy’s Iced Coffee gingerbread, and a packet of Dorset Cereals’ Gingerbread Porridge.

Now, the iced coffee is a little bit thicker than normal milk, so I used about 200ml of it

which is a little more than the recommended amount, but throw it on the bowl with the gingerbread porridge, mix it around a bit and shove it in the microwave for 2 minutes. It’ll come out with all the oats in the middle and a deliciously creamy milky ring around the outside.

Give it another stir, then throw in the microwave for another minute and check how it’s looking – you might need another 30 seconds (I did!) before it looks like DELICIOUS CAFFEINATED GINGERBREAD PORRIDGE.

The result is a gorgeous porridge, which tastes of ginger and has a fiery after taste of ginger too, which is pretty much the best thing ever. Also, because it also contains coffee, you don’t need to spend extra money in Starbucks to get your kicks!


4 responses to “Gingerbread Inception”

  1. jakepjohnson Avatar

    @lgladdy @hayles Smart Price oats, regular milk, runny honey and cinnamon #simple #cheaper #healthier

    1. @jakepjohnson @hayles It’s not an every day thing. It was a one off experiment!

  2. @dorsetcereals @jimmyicedcoffee It’s really good! The fiery ginger kick as an after taste is really good!

  3. @hayles Yeh. It keeps comments in wordpress too.

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